Disappearance of Imam Moussa Sadr (Lebanese Religious leader) in Libya, August 1978
List of political subdivision in US that are restricted to Foreign Nationals
Report RE: INF arms reduction and modernization issues, 9/83
Request for specific list of documents RE: Political situation in China, 1972-76
Environmental Deep Seabed mining laws and 7 foreign governments (BE, FR, IT, JA. NL, UK, GE)
The Genocide Convention 1985
Meeting, 12/17/84, concerning Nicholai Ryzhkov, Defector from Armed Forces in Afghanistan
Burma and LNG Tankers, 1975 and 1977
Us Ambassador to Mexico, John Gavin
Downing of US helicopter near the Honduras-Nicaragua border on January 11, 1984
US and Aramco involvement in dispute over Buraimi Oasis from 1949 to 1956
Eduardo Mondlane between 1958-69 and policy studies on Frelimo from 1962 to 1969
Current Congressional presentation document and report by Amos Wako on killing of citizens in Suriname
Cuban American relations from 1957 to 1963
Cables sent from Chile in 1984 on the copper industry
Japanese electronics products antitrust litigation, 1984-85
Political situation in Vancouver, British Colombia since 1968
Unidentified Flying Objects 80-84
Oil embargo against Rhodesia during the unilateral declaration of independence from 1965 to 1978
Developments regarding the building of the Berlin Wall and division of Berlin from Aug 8-20, 1961
Lethal chemical weapons used by the Iraqi Armed Forces in their war with Iran
James Sullivan establish Moscow bureau in 1966
Decision of US Embassy in Moscow to ask Soviet Police to remove Yuri Vlasenko from grounds of Embassy
Enforcement of Law concerning persons demonstrating near official foreign buildings
Exchange of notes between Canada and US concerning the final disposition of Canol facilities 3/31/60
Letter mentioned in INS press release dated Dec. 18, 1984
Events reported by Nicosia on hostilities between Greek and Turkish Cypriots from 12/22/63 to 2/4/64
Operation of Icebreakers in waters north of the Soviet Union from 1963-70
MAAG-Cuba reports from Havana, 1956-1960
Richard M. Nixon's trip to Paris from February 28 to Mar. 2, 1969
Loran-C Calibration installations in Northern Europe from 1959 to 1961
US soldiers missing in action in Vietnam and Southeast Asia from 1975 to present
Dr. Josef Mengele and Klaus Barbie, Nazi War criminals from 1973 to present
United States- Netherlands income tax convention to the Netherlands Antilles
Correspondence on Nicholas Bethel on American relations with Albania 1948-54 and related subjects
Steel Industry in Turkey concerning production, subsidies, export incentives and related subjects
Steel Industry in Portugal concerning production, subsidies, export incentives and related subjects
Diplomatic relations between US and the Bahamas from 1970
Joint Japan-US Committee on trade and economic affairs from 1961 to 1973
Correspondence between US and Canada on oil spilled by US Flag tanker in July of 1972
Israeli air raid on the Baghdad nuclear reactor, 6/81 from reports by Ambassador Robert Neumann
Possible espionage activities in US of Israeli nationals with diplomatic status from 1948 to present
Exchange of prisoners held on espionage charges with prisoners held by other nations
Steel industry in Chile concerning dumping, subsidies, and import protection 1/1/79 to present
Steel industry in Egypt concerning dumping, subsidies, and import protection 1/1/79 to present
Steel industry in Algeria concerning dumping, subsidies, and import protection 1/1/79 to present
Thailand steel industry and production, dumping, subsidies, and import protection, 1/1/79 to present
Hungary from Oct. 20 to Nov. 5, 1956 concerning troop movements, intelligence and related activities
Specific cables concerning Cambodia, 1969-75
Vietnam: Re-Education Camps
Alleged international terrorist organizations from 1981 to present [FP-25, Red Brigade, Direct Action, Black September, Al-Jihad]
Independence of New Hebrides Islands in 1980, US involvement and imprisonment of Na-Griamel leaders
Records of KAL 007 that were provided by US to the Intl Civil Aviation Organization
Brazilian and Chilean Societies for the Defense of Property, Tradition, and Family
El Salvador
Hans Eisler
Meeting of ten sugar company executives on Cuba's agrarian reform law in May 1959
Financial reporting from US embassies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Venezuela, 1978-present
Suspected toxin known as "Yellow Rain" for the year 1981
Campaign for nuclear disarmament and Europeans for nuclear disarmament, 1980-85
Repatriation of certain Cuban nationals
Human rights in the Philippines from Jan 1981 to 1984
Human rights in the Philippines during the Carter Administration
Philippines which have tags MCAP, MORG, and or MMOL from 1973 to date
Philippines which have the tag EAID from 1973 to date
Philippines which have the tag EINV from 1974 to date
The Philippines
The Philippines that have the tag ECIN from 1973 to date
Martial law in the Philippines from Sept 1972 through 1981
Report on New People's Army sent from Manila in June 1981
Vice-President Bush's trip to the Philippines in June 1981
Assassination of Benigno S Aquino, Jr. in the Philippines on Aug 21, 1983
Visit by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and his wife, Imelda, to US in Sept. 1982
Re-election of Ferdinand Marcos as President of Philippines in June 1981
Election of Ferdinand E Marcos as President of the Philippines in 1965
Major General Edward Geary Lansdale
Union Carbide Plant accident in India
Civilian aircraft use for military purposes by Libya
World Anticommunist League
Nicaragua, 1978-1984
Inspector General's reports on the Philippines, 1965-1985
Goals and Objective Statement regarding the Philippines, 6/81
Vice President Mondale's visit to the Philippines, 1978
Secretary of State Haig's visit to the Philippines, 6/81
Meetings with Joseph Luns, 1954-1970
Policies of the Vatican and the Society of Jesus toward the Jewish people, 1776-1985
Dismissal of Australian Labor Party Government, 11/11/75 [Australia: Whitlam, Gough]
Regional meeting of US Chiefs of mission in San Salvador, April 9-10, 1959
Anglo-American Corp of South Africa and Relation Companies, 1968-1978
Orderly departure program from Vietnam, undated
Commerce Undersecretary Olmer's trip to the USSR 1/85
FMS/Philippines, 1978
FMS/Philippines, 1977
Military bases agreement with the Philippines, 1947
Visit of Richard Holbrooke to the Philippines, 1977-80
Visit of Imelda Marcos to the PRC, 1974
History of Tibet, 1950-1951
Jews in Yemen, Iran and Tunisia, 1978-1985
OXFAM America, Undated
Josef Mengele, undated [Paraguay: Mengele, Josef: Sightings of: 1979-1985]
US International Trade Commission Investigation #332-202, undated
Mayaguez Crisis, 5/75
US Policy towards fall of the Rojas Pinilla dictatorship in Colombia, 1957
Proposed abolition of the Sino-American Joint Commission on rural reconstruction, 1956-1957
Soviet Official travel in the US, 1981
US-Egypt relations, 1970-1981, especially economic relations and Joint Commission Proceedings
Visits of US Nuclear powered ships to New Zealand, undated
Ilya Ehrenburg, 1/15/51 Lecture "The Warsaw Congress"
Disappearance of Tommy Manotoc, 1980
Imelda Marcos' visits to the US, 1978, 1980 and 1982
Visit of Secretary Rusk to the Philippines, 7/66
Elections in the Philippines, 5/84
Pope John Paul II's visit to the Philippines, 2/81
Unification Church, 1984
Philippine President Marcos' visit to the U.S. 9/66
Land reform in the Philippines, 1965-1985
President Ford's visit to the Philippines, 12/75
Agrava Board's investigation of murder of Benigno Aquino, 6/84
Cyrus Hashemi and related subjects, 1979-1985
US route 40 problem and harassment of Nigerian student in Louisiana, 1961-1962
Restriction of Austrian steel pipe imports into the US, undated
Government corruption in the Philippines, undated
Early draft of Camp David Accords, undated
Loran-C Calibrations in Sweden, 1958-1963
Rice sales in Korea, 1980-1983
US Embassy Havana meeting with Argentine Ambassador on US-Cuba relations, 1960
Threat of discontinuing supply of concessional food to Bangladesh, 1967
1953 documents on Vietnam
John Brisker, missing in Africa, 1985
A G Roncalli- Pope John XXIII, 1925-1963
Cables from US Embassy Manila, 9/23/72-10/1/72
New Philippines Constitution, 1971-1973
Governor Reagan's visit to the Philippines, 1969
US-Japan energy working group and US-Japan economic subcabinet at State, 1985
South Korean rice sales, 1969-1984
Radio communications from Benin Chancery, 1979-1985
Certain US Embassy Rio de Janeiro- State communications, 1950-1955
United States National Student Association, undated
State Department Country Reports for North and South Vietnam, 12/7/83
International Youth Conference in Jamaica, 4/85
Walter Rauff, undated
Micronesia, 1973-1977
Salvadoran Nationals deported from the US, 1982-1985
Construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961
Country fraud summaries on 13 countries, 1981-1984
Radford-Collins Naval control of shipping agreement, 1951-1954
Austrian State Treaty, 1955
Arms shipments from Mexico to other Latin American Countries, 1983-1985
Actions taken by Nicaraguan government again Nicaraguan nationals in Costa Rica, undated
House select committee on assassinations investigation into death of President Kennedy, 1960-1977
Hungarian Financial crisis of 1982
Imelda Marcos' visit to Cuba, 1975
1978 briefing by Richard Holbrooke for subcommittee of committee on appropriations
Visit of CIA director William Casey to the Philippines, 1935
Secretary Schultz's visit to the Philippines, 1983
fiche lists as topic Propositioning Equipment in Pakistan
Philippine President Marcos' US WWII medals, 1982-1983
Imelda Marcos stabbed in Manila, 1972
Publication "The Philippines: Human Rights After Martial Law," 1984
1982 Goals and Objectives statements
4/78 elections in the Philippines
President Nixon's visit to the Philippine, 1969
Liberal Party Election Rally Bombing, 1971
Kirkpatrick's meeting with Marcos June 1984
1981 Elections in the Philippines
Philippine government seizure of cargo ship "Karagatan", 1972
Unitary taxation, 1960-1985 (see James Nielson folder w/Dip notes, under 8502408 Report, 1983)
Visit to Philippines of Lawyers committee for International Human Rights and Report, 1983
1982 report of an Amnesty International Mission to the Philippines
The Moro National Liberation Front, 1971-1985
President Reagan's cancelled visit to the Philippines, 1983
Imelda Marcos' visit to the Soviet Union, 1972 and Philippines: Relations with China 72-75
US-USSR Civil Aviation Negotiations, 1970-1979
Unidentified Flying Objects, 1975-1985
Soviet downing of KAL 007, 1983
East African Student Programs, 1957-1967
Whaling Issue, 1984-1985
State Department data processing and telecommunications planning documents 1984
List of investigatory trips to Haiti and related reports on Haitian Emgires for last two years
Foreign governments' reactions to Watergate crisis, 1973-1974
Johnston mission to the Middle East in the 1950s
US Policy toward Iran, 1955-1963
Communications from US Embassy Phnom Penh, 1956-1964
US-EEC relations and economic cooperation, 1957-1985
Oman and Abu Dhabi, et al. 1977-1982
Death report cables from Guatemala, 1976-1985
US Bases in the Philippines, 1977-1985
Notes on the Third Maylay, 1969
US-UK extradition agreement, 1985
Guatemala Indians
Nicaraguan election, 1984-1985
Report on the operation and transportation corp, 1974
Narconon Drug Treatment Centers in the US, 1976-1985
Eduard Shevardnadze, 1980-1985
US-Philippines relations, 1969-1971
Visits of HA's Steve Cohen to the Philippines, 1979 and 1980
Ambassador Goldberg's visit to the Philippines, 1967
Visit of Vice President Agnew to the Philippines, 1973
Interagency task force national policy paper of the Philippines, 1965-1966
The Greens and Petra Kelly, 1947-1985
Irish Northern Aid Committee (NORAID), 1970-1985
Navassa Island, 1946-1984
Working Group of the Interagency Group on Human Rights and Foreign Assistance, 1978-1980
Interagency Group on Human Rights- The Philippines- 1977-1980
US attitudes towards Austrian Neutrality, 1955-1985
State Department on Saudi Arabia, 1981
Tran Nqoc Chau, 1970
US - Japan Biannual Policy Planning Conference 1973
Vice President Agnew's visit to the Philippines, 1969
Hijacking of SS Columbia Eagle, 1970
Assembly of captive European nations plans regarding Khrushchev visit, 1960
Trips to the US by Imelda Marcos, 1971-1982
US officials' contact with Filipino opposition leaders, 1977-1978
Laotian government's permitting excavation by US personnel of crash site of USAF aircraft, undated
US attempts at mediation in the Egypt-Israel dispute, 1955-1956
People's Republic of China
Tokyo cables concerning supercomputer development, 1982-1983
Tests on NPPD (Nitrophenylpentadienal) and related substances, undated
Opposition to US participation in the United Nations, Undated
Opposition to US trade with Communist of Communist-occupied nations, undated
Murder of Maj Arthur Nicholson by the Soviets, undated
Assassination of Philippine opposition leader Benigno S. Aquino, 1983
Foreign investments in the Republic of the Congo (Zaire), 1950-1966
US Policy towards the Republic of the Congo (Zaire), 1964-1965
US Policy in Zaire, 1967-1974
Economic and Industrial reporting on Namibia, 1973-1985
BASF Wyandotte Corp. and the Dept of State advisory comt on Intl investment, technology and development, 1985
Requirements study/analysis for the FAIS and CLASS, 1984-1985
Arab satellite communications organization, 1985
Nixon-SATO communique involving security of Taiwan with security of Japan, 1969
State Department's relationship with the Institute of Cultural Affairs, undated (1975-1982)
Trade in Kangaroo products, 1985
US-Australia security crisis and dismissal of Whitlam government, 1975
The immunology researching centre, ltd and related subjects, undated
NSSM 155 and response, 1972
Oman and United Arab Emirates energy policies, 1980-1985
Argentine political situation, 1970-1979
Involvement of Santiago Gomez Gonzalez in death of Michael Hammer in El Salvador, 1981
Vietnamese refugees' accounts of sightings of Americans in Vietnam after 1975
Seafarers' International Union, Canadian labour congress and Hal C. Banks, 1962-1967
Lawsuit (August Camacho V. Ancor Holdings) in which Imelda Marcos was a defendant, 1984
Philippine National Grain Agency profits, undated
US-Cuba agreements concerning release of US prisoners in Cuba, 1976-1980
Proposal submitted by communications satellite corp (COMSAT) in response to RFD 85-01.1, undated
Attempted coup in Iraq, 1973
Negotiations between United States Steel Corp and Pohang Iron and Steel Co in Korea, 1984-1985
George McGhee's tenure as Ambassador to West Germany, 1960's
US Policy towards Austria's membership in European Free Trade area, 1955-1985
Chemical industries in eight countries, 1975-1985
Overflight of US troops over Austrian territory during Lebanon crisis, 1958
Daniel K. Ludwig's foreign operations, 1950-1985
The National Command Authority, 1971-1985
Benigno S. Aquino, before 1983
US Jaycees President's meeting with Philippine President Marcos, 1977
Construction of nuclear power plant in the Philippines, 1971-1982
US- Philippine litigation, 1981
Imelda Marcos' visit to the Soviet Union, 1982
Chiefs of Mission meeting in Hong Kong, 1978
PRM 28, 1977
US granting Soviet Union land to build new embassy, undated
Communication satellite corp's winning proposal to RFP85-01.1, undated
Philippines: Beningo S. Aquino
Resignation of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida, 1955
Combat incidents in El Salvador, 1983-1985
New Zealand Steel Industry, 1975-1985
Soviet Ukrainian Sailor Miloslav Medvid who left the MV Marshall Konyev in Louisiana, 1985
UN resolutions 37/137, 38/149 and 39/229 on products harmful to the environment, 1982-1985
US relations with Uganda, 1979
Treaty of Peace with Japan, 1951
Paul Laxalt's trip to the Philippines in October 1985
Intelligence note by INR dated 11/01/72 entitled "The Philippines Tries one-man democracy"
Visits to Washington, D.C. by US Ambassador to Philippines Henry Byroade for August 1972-August 1973
Visits of Paul Wolfowitz to the Philippines Jan. 1, 1983 to date
Info on visits of Walter Pincus and Roland Paul to the Philippines on 1969
Info-various subjects dealing with Philippines-martial law, constitutional issues, Muslim rebels, etc. 1971-1973
Research study by INR dated 12/11/73 entitled "Philippine Communists under Martial Law"
Intelligence note by INR dated 01/15/73 entitled "Philippines: Marcos Abandons Constitutionality"
Copy of findings, analysis, and inventory of the People's Temple Agricultural Settlement established March 1979
Copy of doc entitled "Communist Influence in the Castro Government" 04/13/60
Computer printout of info for all financial and technical asst awards made FY 1982-84 by RP and overseas schools
Visit of Andrew Young to the Philippines- May 1979
Info on alleged atomic blast in Southern Hemisphere, southeast of southern Africa in the Indian Ocean
Eligibility of non-citizens (especially Nicaraguans and El Salvadorans) for educational grants
Death list or death squad activity in Guatemala from 01/01/79 to present
Human rights violations of repatriated El Salvadorian refugees
Four business firms (Armoflex, Contrust, A.M. Badi, Aero Union Corp 1977-1986)
Joint weekas reports for Guatemala, 1958-1963
OECD Committee for information, computer and communications policy, 1984-1985
Czech Gold; 1957-1959
Pakistan, 1955-1960
Marine Guard Program
US-Nicaraguan relations in the 1970s
Nikita Khrushchev's "Secret Speech", 1956
Korea Air Lines export license application, undated
El Salvador: Political Situation, 1979-1980
International Tin Agreements, 1974-1985